Optimization of study strategies

A guide to adjusting study methods for students at La Trobe University after midterm exams


Midterm exams are over, and regardless of your grades, now is the ideal time to reflect and adjust your approach to learning. This will not only help you make up for your current shortcomings, but also prepare you better for the final exam. At La Trobe University in particular, a variety of resources are available to help you optimize your study plan. This article will provide some practical advice to help you adjust your study strategy based on your performance on the midterm.


Analyze midterm exam scores


To start with, cautiously examine your midterm records. What subjects or explicit inquiry types are your assets? What are your shortcomings? Distinguishing these regions will assist you with understanding what you really want to zero in on from here on out.


● Survey qualities and shortcomings: For instance, in the event that you do ineffectively in the numerous decision segment, you might have to work on your audit of the essentials; On the off chance that you get a low score on word issues, you might require more involved or critical thinking preparing.


● Figure out the purposes for your grades: Dissect the explanations behind your horrible scores. Is it since you didn't completely grasp the material, or in light of the fact that you blundered your time during the test? Whenever you've recognized the reason, you can make more designated changes.


Adjust the study schedule


Make another review plan in light of the put forth objectives. Consider different learning styles and guarantee the supportability of the program.


● Make a definite report plan: Plan your review and rest times every day. Sensible game plan to keep away from weariness amassing.


● Enhanced learning styles: notwithstanding customary perusing and notes, you can likewise attempt to make a brain map, watch related showing recordings, take part in concentrate on gatherings and alternate ways of adjusting to various learning styles. You can utilize this book: How to take savvy notes to help you.


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