Things you should prepare for your first semester in Latrobe

As a new student starting a new journey in Latrobe may be an exciting an intimidating experience. Here are some of the things to get ready before you commence.

1. Study and Time Management Techniques

Starting out from different study culture might take some time to get used to the system, but make a good use out of time by learning several time management and productivity techniques. Some of them are pomodoro technique, 2-minute rule, not to do list, eliminate multitasking, etc.

2. Learn to use LMS and your course structure.

In Latrobe, LMS is your go-to place regarding everything about your study, course, assessment and subject announcements. You are expected to go through every weeks content of each subject from LMS before attending the class.

3. Services for Academic Support

If you face any problems regarding any anything in your uni, you can go to the library and ask for assistance or send a mail in ask latrobe. The representatives are well experienced and will help you or guide you to the place where you can get further assistance. They will resolve your problem one way or the another.

4. Exam Planning

Exam planning or the assessment planning is essential as the marks are obtained throughout the course and are marked in every week. The assessment are divided into different category according to the subject. So, make sure to go through each assessment for every subject.


  1. Great job! It seems very helpful for the audiences. It would be great if you had hashtags and hyperlinks! Hashtags help this post to be easily searchable and increase awareness. Also, hyperlinks allow in-depth information.

  2. Still learning and definitely time management is difficult specially for a student. Would be helpful if it was hyperlinked.


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