Feel unmotivated after the mid-term break?

Although the mid-term break has finished 2 weeks ago, many students are struggling to get back on track. The mid-term break lasted for a week including the Easter holiday. Many students come back home to enjoy the holiday with family, some would go on a getaway to relax and refresh after a month of uni. But now it is time to get your head around and be ready for the finals as well as upcoming assignments. Here are a few tips to get back your motivation:

  1. Create a study schedule

There are plenty of planner tools that can help you create an effective schedule. La Trobe offers free Microsoft apps for students to use and you can use its planner or calendar

  1. Find yourself a study-friendly environment

Some may find home study gives them best result, but some may find it is hard to concentrate when you’re in your bedroom. Come to La Trobe’s library to immerse yourself in the vibe! You will definitely feel motivated when people around you are concentrating. Moreover, the library is equipped with computers and technology that will help you with your study.

  1. Seeking for support

Cannot understand the lecture or assignment? Come to the mentoring programs in La Trobe where various academic support is provided for students. And it is free!!! Excellent academic students and tutors will be your mentor and guide you in order to achieve a good score in a subject. For instance, MathHub is created to help students who find math related subjects challenging, I have been there since I was in my first year and definitely helpful with my subjects.

Hope you will find your motivation after this blog and achieve the grade that you want 🙂 


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